Course Work




Course Work

Value Based Research




Paul Johnson has been an Adjunct Professor in Finance at the Graduate School of Business, Columbia University, in New York City on and off since 1992.    

During this time he has created a complete set of lecture notes, homework assignments, and essays in Security Analysis.  In addition, he has developed a comprehensive bibliography of related books and articles.

A list of thought-provoking articles reading packet can be found here.


The following is a list of interesting books relating to investing:  Paul's Bibliography


Paul teaches the following classes:

Security Analysis - This course will provide a real world view of the role and activities of an equity security analyst within the Value Investing framework. We will build an understanding of how capital markets function, teach the tools as well as the thought process of security analysis, and expose students to the mental limitations we all bring to the exercise.

Advanced Seminar in Value Investing - Columbia Business School is the academic home of Benjamin Graham and the birthplace of value investing. This course is designed to teach the fundamentals of the Graham and Dodd value approach to investment management.


In addition to his course work:

Academy Awards - Paul has drawn interesting parallels between how capital markets work and an experiment whereby the students are asked to predict the winners of the Academy Awards. 


This page was last updated on 07/17/11.